When Newton Primary School in Wales began using YouHue, they expected it to serve their students well. However, they did not anticipate the profound cultural shift that ensued. In this article, we delve into the school’s experience of implementing YouHue, the consequential transformations in other areas, and their aspirations for the future.
One of the most significant aspects of YouHue for Newton Primary School was the free trial. “Funding constraints often make it difficult for schools in Wales to adopt new initiatives, even those geared towards mental health,” explains Paula Ketcher-Murrell, Head of School.
Remarkably, Newton Primary School can utilize our free plan given their size and current student numbers. “We’re privileged to serve this school and its students so meaningfully. Offering mental health support and fostering social-emotional skills without incurring any cost is a rarity,” shares Ammar Khan, YouHue Founder and CEO.
Ketcher-Murrell’s advice for new schools and teachers adopting YouHue is to set a regular time for daily check-ins.
Regular use of the app helps students feel more comfortable with it, thereby increasing their likelihood of engagement.
Newton Primary School went a step further, integrating YouHue into its policies. Students can use the app to check in whenever they feel the need, giving them the freedom to express negative emotions in real-time.
Ketcher-Murrell also revealed that students aged around 8 years show the highest engagement levels with YouHue. While younger children can also benefit, this age group seems to dive deeper into their check-ins and wellness activities.
Training was not a concern for the teachers at Newton. YouHue was introduced during a staff meeting. Its features were straightforward to understand and even simpler to implement.
Moreover, YouHue isn’t a drain on classroom time. It can be conducted within a few minutes, a few times per week, with students leading the logging sessions if needed.
Tell us about the cultural shift that YouHue brought to Newton Primary School.
Incorporating YouHue into staff meetings brought an unexpected change to work culture — an enhanced focus on students’ wellbeing.
“We review the pie chart data from YouHue and keep a close eye on the students showing negative trends,” says Ketcher-Murrell.
This focus on mental health now extends beyond students. Ketcher-Murrell has developed a comprehensive website for staff wellbeing, recognizing the importance of employees’ mental health as well.
From a student’s perspective, the biggest benefit of YouHue is “the ability to communicate something without a face-to-face interaction.” YouHue’s privacy allows students to share their feelings and concerns more comfortably.
Teachers, in turn, can identify these difficulties and provide additional support to help students thrive.
The integration of YouHue, coupled with Newton’s cultural shift, has fostered an environment where students feel acknowledged and heard. This connected environment often leads to increased attendance rates and overall learning outcomes.
Moving forward, Newton Primary School hopes to sustain its culture of wellbeing and continue using YouHue for as long as possible. If YouHue were no longer available, they’re uncertain about finding an adequate alternative.
“It isn’t always easy to integrate mental health and social-emotional learning into the classroom. These tasks often demand substantial funding, time, and teacher training. That’s what makes YouHue exceptional. We offer an affordable, and sometimes free, way to improve the social and emotional wellbeing of students in schools,” shares Khan.
We’re thrilled to continue supporting this team of staff and students with our app. We’re confident that with a continued commitment to mental wellbeing, Newton Primary School will continue to thrive.
Are you ready to foster a similar culture of wellbeing in your school? Sign up for a free account or contact us to get started today.